Monday, January 10, 2011

MAC and PC accessories

Don't pay more for MAC accessories

MACs and PCs are two opposing sides, but by and large, most branded accessories and peripherals you buy today are certified to work with both. You may come across some components that purport to be specifically made for MACs, mostly external hard drives or DVD writers - and therefore are available at a premium. Don't fall prey to this trap because any external USB hard drive will work with both PC or MAC; and even on both simultaneously, as long as the drive format is FAT32. Even if a drive is pre-formatted as NTFS (a Windows only format), it can easily be changed when new.

Protect your laptop from scuffing

If you’re a frequent traveler, you might be used to the standard airport security drill of removing a laptop from its bag for screening. But crowded airports are not always very friendly towards unprotected electronics. That’s why a simple laptop sleeve can do wonders to protect your laptop from scuff marks. Most country regulations permit the screening of a laptop while in a sleeve (including the stringent TSA checks at US airports).

Monday, January 3, 2011

Burn an ISO image on the MAC

Contrary to popular belief, its easier to burn an ISO onto a CD using a MAC rather than Windows. Simply go to Utilities and launch disk utility. Click on the Burn button on the top, select the ISO file you would like to burn on a CD. A prompt comes up asking you to inset a blank disc in the optical drive. Just insert a blank disc and click the Burn button in the box.